Spark Education Program Scholarships
We are proud to not turn any student away from our SPARK program for inability to pay. Scholarships are given on a need-basis.
If you would like to contribute to the learning experience of any of our students enrolled in our SPARK Education Program, email Bo List at bo.list@leedscenter.org. We will make sure that a deserving student benefits from your generous contribution!
The gordon Liddle Phd Scholarship Fund
Offering financial assistance to students pursuing arts training and self taping for college and scholarship auditions.
We are thrilled to announce the Gordon Liddle Phd. Scholarship Fund. Dr. Liddle was a lifelong educator whose passion was sharing his knowledge with others. As a professor of Human Development at the University of Kentucky, Dr. Liddle taught and supported many of his students in their efforts to become who they wanted to be.
Dr. Liddle also felt it his duty to improve his community and the world. He worked with the Civil Rights Movement, National Alliance on Mental Health, and served for over 31 years on the Clark County Water Board. He strongly believed in everyone contributing to and striving to make the world a better place by sharing ideas and time, as well as providing financial support to reach his goal.
It is in that spirit that his family wishes us to create this scholarship fund. It will be used to help fund arts education and training for those who cannot afford it otherwise in order to achieve the full measure of their potential as artists.
If you are interested in contributing to this fund, please email bo.list@leedscenter.org.
The Vanessa Rogers Scholarship Fund
Offering college tuition assistance to graduating seniors committed to studying the arts or education in a four-year college or university.
The Vanessa Rogers Scholarship was established to honor Vanessa Rogers, a teacher and community leader who encouraged her students to pursue careers in the arts. Leeds Center for the Arts is proud to offer two $500 scholarships to two incoming college freshman that are enrolled in a four year institution with intent to study an artistic or educational field.
If you are interested in contributing to this fund, please email bo.list@leedscenter.org.